English 108: Writing Ready, Learning Ready


College Edge offers unique courses for students who want to improve their college-level writing skills and confidence. 

Writing Ready, Learning Ready: Preparing for Success at a Global University (English 108) helps prepare students for college-level writing assignments, enhancing the ability to read, write, think and talk with other students about research at a university level.

Click on a course title to see a complete description and schedule information.

All English 108 sections meet Tuesday through Friday from 9am-11:50am. Students should plan for 10-15 hours of homework and studying outside of class. 

Course Listing

  • uw students looking at a laptop

    ENGL 108: Writing Ready, Learning Ready: Preparing for Success at a Global University

    This writing-intensive course will help develop your writing fluency and grow your confidence as you prepare to tackle college composition courses. We’ll introduce you to what it means to read, write and learn at a highly competitive, global institution.

    General Education Requirement Info: 5 credits of Arts and Humanities coursework towards the Areas of Inquiry requirement.