
RA helping students move into the dorms

UW Residence hall housing is available for students who want or need a place to live on campus. 

As a College Edge student, you're eligible to live in UW campus housing while taking your course, whether or not you plan to live on campus during the school year. Living in campus housing is not required, but encouraged. The dorms available to students are Lander Hall and Willow Hall.

If you plan to live in a fraternity or sorority during autumn quarter, you may still live on campus during the College Edge program.

College Edge housing and dining costs are separate from the program fee. The housing application deadlines are different — and earlier — than the course registration deadlines. Housing dates do not exactly mirror program dates. 

You can apply for College Edge housing starting on May 6th at 2pm on this site: https://hfs.uw.edu/eaqh

Please note that UW HFS also hosts summer housing for students taking summer courses. The summer housing application is not for the time period when College Edge takes place, so please wait until May 6th to sign up for "early autumn quarter housing". 

Students are strongly encouraged to secure their housing as soon as they sign up for College Edge. Every student who participates in College Edge will have the option of living in a UW residence hall. 


Virtual Tours

Wondering what your room may look like? Take a virtual tour of Lander Hall and Willow Hall to get a better idea of what to expect:

Lander Hall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SVtTKOEaA8

Willow Hall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bki5gDqJGek


College Edge Dorm Pricing Options:

Lander Hall triple room, private bath                    


Lander Hall double room, private bath


Willow Hall four-person suite, private bath


Willow Hall triple room, private bath


Willow Hall three-person suite, private bath


Willow Hall double room, private bath


Learn more about your College Edge housing options, including dates and rates, on Housing & Food Services' College Edge information page. 


When can I move in?

Students can move in to their dorm room starting on Friday, August 16, 2024 and throughout the weekend of August 17 and 18, 2024. 



If you live in a UW residence hall, you are required to have a dining account, which costs $674 for the entirety of the program. Account details are described in the College Edge Housing Guide, found here. 

Students chatting in a UW dining hall

There are many options for meals at the UW, both on and off campus. UW Dining offers a wide variety of different restaurants and markets.