students at a game


As a College Edge student, you have a wide variety of resources that can guide you throughout your educational journey. Here are just a few to take advantage of while you are on campus. Not seeing what you need? Don't hesitate to reach out to and we'll be happy to help. 


Academic Advisors are here to help you throughout your journey at UW. You will have access to group academic advising throughout the College Edge program, to set you up for success in your first year. 

Additionally, Undergraduate Academic Affairs office is open during College Edge and can assist with major exploration, plan course schedules and better clarify your academic goals. Students affiliated with the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity can access advising through OMA&D Academic Counseling Services.

Curious about a specific major or discipline? Visit UW Departmental webpages to learn more about your options. Departmental websites will have contact information for Departmental Advisors, offer information about courses and prerequisites, share details on major and minor declaration processes, not to mention scholarship opportunities, alumni highlights and more! 

Campus Engagement

Ready to meet people? Explore your interests in a University setting? Be exposed to new opportunities and communities? There are thousands of ways to maximize your UW experience, but here a few resources to help you get started, today. 

UW Counseling Center

As a UW student, your college experience should be challenging but not overwhelming. The UW Counseling Center is here to support you during your time at UW so that you have a positive, fulfilling experience. 

Odegaard Writing and Research Center

The Odegaard Writing and Research Center (OWRC) is an interdisciplinary writing and research center that aims to support UW students, staff, and faculty on their diverse writing and research projects through one-to-one tutoring sessions, group tutoring sessions, workshops, and other programs. They serve nearly 5,000 students with over 10,000 one-to-one writing appointments each academic year. Their tutors are undergraduate and graduate students from a wide range of academic fields, and we provide a rich learning environment for writers and tutors alike.

Student Life and Unite UW

The Division of Student Life at the UW serves as a hub for a variety of programs and services that help support students and enrich the Husky Experience.

Offered by Student Life’s CIRCLE office, Unite UW is an official UW program that brings together students from different cultural backgrounds and life experiences, to help you build a family-like community and find your best college friends. The College Edge Unite UW program offers four weeks of fun activities and a judgement-free environment so that we can celebrate diversity and embrace our own unique identities. Learn more and apply. The 2024 Unite UW application opens in mid-June.

Access to the IMA

Ready to break a sweat? Visit the IMA with your Husky Card (required for entry). As a College Edge student, you will have free access to the IMA from August 12-29th and September 8-12th. Please note that the IMA is closed to all students, faculty, and staff from August 30-September 7th 2025. For more information or questions, contact During this period, there are plenty of other ways to get exercise on campus! If you are living on campus, check out the workout facilities located in a nearby residence hall, walk or run on the Burke Gilman Trail, or check out a canoe at the Waterfront Activities Center. 

Disability Resources for Students

The Disability Resources for Students office strives to make the UW community more accessible for all. If you are a student seeking accommodation for a temporary or permanent disability, contact the office for more information and assistance.

Academic Calendar & Final Exam Schedule 

Be aware of important dates for your academic year ahead by visiting this website. Be sure to add important deadlines to your personal calendar. 

Navigating campus 

The University of Washington's 700-acre campus is sprawling! College Edge is a great time to get acclimated to campus landmarks. Here's a campus map website to help you find your way.