College Edge Credits
College Edge courses are regular UW courses that grant you official academic credit. All courses are worth five credits. The five credits you earn during College Edge count toward autumn quarter, and appear on your autumn quarter schedule and transcript with the rest of your courses.
Earning credit through College Edge gives you several advantages for autumn quarter:
- If you want to take a lighter academic load in autumn quarter, you only need to enroll in 10 credits to be a full-time student (because you'll already have 5 credits from C.E.).
- If you take a full slate of classes in the fall, your College Edge credits will put you ahead of the academic curve. You can earn up to 23 credits total without paying extra tuition (a charge that normally applies to students who take more than 18 credits in a quarter).
If you register, pay for and complete a College Edge course but do not attend the UW in autumn quarter, you’ll still receive credit for the course.

Fulfilling Requirements
College Edge is a great way to get a head start on your general education requirements. The UW requires all students to earn credits in a variety of skill and subject areas, including the Areas of Inquiry. More information on which requirements each College Edge course fulfills can be found on the individual course pages on this site.
Because College Edge courses are considered part of autumn quarter, your grade will not be available until the end of autumn quarter, with the rest of your Autumn quarter coursework.
If you are considering changing your grading option to Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory (S/NS), we strongly recommend consulting Academic Advising before requesting this change, as it may affect how the credits will count toward your graduation requirements.